
Avocados are everywhere lately. Almost every brunch menu has avocado toast. Many restaurants offer fresh-made guacamole at your table. And way too many people have been asking me if I want to add avocado to my burrito/sandwich/salad/pizza (pro tip: it costs extra!). There are even commericials for avocados.

I have been wondering why this has been happening. I have a few guesses: government subsidies, improvements in agriculture, a more health concious population, economic benefits for central/south America. And I have also been wondering if it’s just me or if avocados have truly gained popularity and if so, what did that gain look like?

So, when I came across a dataset on <a href=“”, target="_blank">Avocado sales, I had to take a look.

Initial Look

Here is what the data look like

## # A tibble: 197 x 11
##    Date       AveragePrice TotalVolume SmallHass LargeHass XLHass
##    <date>            <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 2015-01-04         0.95   31324278. 12357161. 13624083. 8.44e5
##  2 2015-01-11         1.01   29063543. 11544811. 12134773. 8.67e5
##  3 2015-01-18         1.03   29043459. 11858139. 11701948. 8.31e5
##  4 2015-01-25         1.04   28470311. 12167445. 10734653. 7.68e5
##  5 2015-02-01         0.89   44655462. 18933038. 18956480. 1.38e6
##  6 2015-02-08         0.95   32137333. 13308193. 13381348. 7.38e5
##  7 2015-02-15         1.03   28012521. 12626615.  9783490. 8.46e5
##  8 2015-02-22         1.02   29936730. 12628562. 11354282. 9.37e5
##  9 2015-03-01         0.97   32994014. 13282223. 13733124. 1.07e6
## 10 2015-03-08         1.02   30094699. 13013750. 10973973. 8.34e5
## # … with 187 more rows, and 5 more variables: `Total Bags` <dbl>, `Small
## #   Bags` <dbl>, `Large Bags` <dbl>, `XLarge Bags` <dbl>, Year <dbl>

The Interactive App

And here is a simple interactive <a href=“”, target="_blank">Shiny R App for exploring linear relationships among price, volume, and types of avocados over time.

<iframe src = “” , height = 500, width = 900>